Friday 2 October 2015

LO1: analysing existing graphic work (V-festival)

The purpose of this v festival logo is to promote it self as a festival, as the sign is memorable also to gain a mass audience and mass profit.

The format of this festival: These are the ticket launch dates poster, all the performing acts at this festival are on this poster as this helps to lure fans in and its more profit for the v fest.

The content of this poster is very bright there are many colours such as red blue and white but these are all warming colours and inviting colours. The writing is bold and easy to read with the advertising company at the top which is virgin media.

The style: The style of this logo is basic but warming as the red colours connote invitational colours which are asking you to come to this festival.

The Layout: The layout is in bold red writing there are spacings between the "V" and "Festival" but again its easy on the eye and straight to the point.

The target audience for this are all Music and festival fans primarily 18-28 year olds.

Regulatory bodies: The ASA are the Advertising Standards Authority. They control what get advertised to everyone and make sure it is safe for the public. "V Festival" does stay with the guidelines of the ASA as there is no content that is rude or offensive within it.

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