Friday 2 October 2015

LO1: Analysing existing graphic work (T in the park)

The purpose of the logo in this doc/fest is to make it self stand out and people to remember the sign and it also promotes it self as you can hand it out to people on the streets or even post it.

The Format:  Merchandise can be bought from the stores in the area or the online store. These are used to help promote and can be symbolised as a memorabilia for the festival or even a gift for people who have missed out on the event.

The content on the poster is very basic but still effective as there are only 4 colours used which all blend in nicely with each other. the "T" blends in nicely with the grass sign because after all the event is taking place in a park where there will be grass.

The Style: we can tell straight from the poster who this event is aimed at through the colours, as they are vibrant they are more likely to be aimed at a younger audience 18-28 would be the best age id say, they are also more likely to go to an music event like this.

The layout it is large spacings on this in bold writing again which is very basic but highly effective as it gets straight to the point of what they are advertising about.

The target audience for this are all media fanatics who enjoy events. Again by the colour we can tell it is aimed at a younger audience as in 18-28.

Regulatory bodies: The ASA are the Advertising Standards Authority. They control what get advertised to everyone and make sure it is safe for the public. T in the parks poster does stay with the guidelines of the ASA as there is no content that is rude or offensive within it.

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