Friday 11 December 2015

LO5 - Final Pieces

Final Logo




Front of Flyer
Back of Flyer

LO4 - Planning for Production


A graphic Designer gets paid up to £20,000-30,000 depending on how experienced they are.

Graphic Design Software Creative Suite CS6 Design Standard (Mac) costs £1,194,00.

For my Bilboard A 48 sheet poster would cost £157.00 each.

Thursday 26 November 2015

LO4 - Planning for the graphic design product

Budget - 
This is a estimated guidline budget that I may spend in order to create my product, this includes the cost of software, printing and also designing the product.
  • All Adobe products include software such as Adobe photoshop and InDesign, this will cost £45.73 which is a annual plan to be payed monthly.
  • To hire a graphic designer it would cost anything between £8.20 to £10 an hour, in total this would take 25 hours to create my product.
  • T-Shirt printing with my graphic would cost £2.99. I will need 60 shirts printed I will sell them for £5 giving us some profit. (60 shirts will cost 179.40)
  • Hoodie printing would cost £4.00, I will need 50 of these printed. (This will cost £200)
  • 250 Tickets to be printed will cost £11, If I sell these for £5 each profit will be £1250
  •  A bilboard will cost £350 for 3 weeks.
Legal and Ethical - 
The ASA are the advertising standards authority, they have many guidlines which I must follow.

 I must comply with all the rules otherwise I could be prosicuted, my graphic do not have any offensive use of language or rude so therefore it is not going against the ASA rules. My graphics are only used for promotional events.

My Graphics clearly state on them that they are for a Sheffield Beer Fest, so they are not misleading anyone they do not state any free beer and their is even prices of the costs to come to the event. I need to make clear what the poster is about so it does not mislead anyone.

Although my advert is for a beer festival I need to ensure that I put in a mini disclaimer stating that no under 18s are allowed into the event because of health and safety reasons and the legal age limit. I need to be careful to follow the guidlines.

Wednesday 25 November 2015

LO4 - Gant Chart

After careful Consideration I have decided the launch date for this event is on the 16th of November 2015. I will be planning 11 weeks ahead to be safe and cautious in order to give me time to plan ahead at every prosedure. I have done this so all the products and merchandise will be ready in advance before the festival.

Friday 20 November 2015

LO4 - Adobe Illustrator Practise

I have used Tools such as the brush tool to create this image

LO4 - Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator is used for artists and graphic designers to create images or logos. These images can be used for companies, events or even personal use.

Bleed means the edge around the paper.

Raster - graphic that looses quality

Vector - Graphic that dosent loose quality

JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group

Thursday 12 November 2015

LO3 Presentation Questionare Feedback

Feedback given was both positive and negative. People enjoyed my powerpoint and the layout but they said I could have added more colour to the logo.